Sphire Mantis API Documentation

Sphire Mantis' API Documentation

View the Project on GitHub sphireinc/Mantis

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import "github.com/sphireinc/mantis/aws"


type AWS

AWS primary struct with context and aws.config

type AWS struct {
    context context.Context
    config  aws.Config

func New

func New(ctx context.Context, region string) *AWS

New creates a new AWS config using the context and region specified

If you want an empty context, set ctx to context.TODO()
region should be an AWS region, like "us-west-2"

func (*AWS) NewDynamo

func (a *AWS) NewDynamo() *dynamodb.Client

NewDynamo creates and returns a new instance of dynamo db

func (*AWS) NewSecretsManager

func (a *AWS) NewSecretsManager(optFns ...func(*secretsmanager.Options)) *secretsmanager.Client

NewSecretsManager creates and returns a new instance of dynamo db

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